1 formula to lead a successful life

You would have often wondered why some people keep earning money, starting new companies, creating jobs and living the lavish lifestyle, while you struggle to make the stressful monthly expenses. The truth is, these people aren’t always born with silver spoon or even if they are, they have the responsibility of maintaining it. What they focus on are solutions, because the only thing they can control is themselves.

The change you want to bring in your life begins with you! This means what you are now, is the results of your past thoughts and actions and what you will become, will be the result of what you do now.

There is one formula which helps not only successful people, but will also help you in leading the life you have always wanted.

Warning: Once you start applying this formula in your day to day life, people will begin to notice change in you. They will be more attracted towards you and will start asking how you did it.

Intentions+ Mindset+ Actions = Results/Outcome

When you intend to do something in your life, you need to relate yourself with your outcome! How do you see yourself, what you hear, what and how do you feel?

When the result/outcome is set, it becomes easier for the other things to fall in place. Why do you need to achieve something (Intention) will lead to the understanding of the purpose (Mindset) of your actions. For example, a ship without a map or a desired destination will never reach a shore whereas a ship with a captain and with a map will reach its destination all the time.

It all begins in your mind!

‘With great power comes great responsibilities’.


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