10 ways to de-stress during the time of adversity

In times like today, everyone has come to same level whether it is a multi-billionaire or a middle-class or daily wagers. The context is economic status and daily duties. People are doing their own work with no extra help and spending time with their family and beloved ones. Yet, during such times, there is duress. Whether financial, economic, spiritual, physical or emotional. Normally to wake up, there is a sense of purpose, a job, a goal, or a dream. During these times “Go out there and make it happen”, “Go out and be amazing”, “Go and get them” etc hold no meaning. It is the time to control your mind and your thoughts. This may seem easy to read or to see and much harder to achieve, but nothing is impossible with your will.

Following are few tips with which you can begin the process of self-enlightenment! That is all it takes.

1. Assess the situation at hand

Instead of overwhelming yourself with worry, assess the situation around you and try to find out what is the actual level of threat. This will ease out your mind and will make you more practical. Of course, it is not about keeping your mind closed but it is about controlling the data going in your  mind to control the level of anxiety and stress.

2. Identifying what situation you can control

Understanding where you are, is the most important step to know what situation you can control by doing little things yourself. This will ease out any unnecessary fearing lurking from your unconscious mind.

3. Accepting what you cannot control

Do not fret over something or someone you cannot control. Just like change begins from within a person, similarly reducing anxiety is also an individual’s state of mind.

4. Avoid negative things

Avoid as much as possible the negative talks and rumors around you which can be about health, money, finances, food or even about people. It is very easy to become prey to negative things and habits but you can consciously avoid them but listening to some good music, a good speech or even by finishing up that old ‘non-functional’ novel/story you never thought you would be able to complete. It helps your body by releasing good hormones like Dopamine.

5. Stay active

This can be done by doing some brain stimulating exercises like puzzles/ quizzes/ logical reasoning or by doing some light physical exercises. Get back to taking care of your body which you were not able to do all this time due to stress from jobs and deadlines!

6. Embrace positivity

It is much harder said than done. People have tendency to find faults in everything they do but some thinking can be controlled by various mindful exercises. One such example is, try to remember yourself 15 years ago and the dire situation you had at that time! What would you tell your 15-yrs ago self now. Was that situation something to loose your sleep over to? or to be so stressed about?

7. Humor

When most people around are getting worried, it is important to keep yourself cheerful. Laughter relieves stress, anxiety, lower stress hormones and keep you recharged. It is like a boost for your mind which helps you to keep the spirit of fighting.

8. Love

Take this time to reconnect with your loved ones, physically with those who are with you and virtually over any social medium ,with those who you have forgotten to call, message or keep in touch in the past because of so called ‘life’. Connecting with your partner/spouse is very important and it is much more important to revisit and reignite that passion which brought you together in the first place.

9. Meditation

It was once considered Saint’s holy way of connecting with God but nowadays, it is used as relaxing technique by people to take a break from the chaos which is called life and give them meaning of their being. It is a wonderful tool to reconnect with yourself now.

10. Last but not the least Ask for help

Are you shy and keeping your anxiety at bay and showing the world that you are a mind-controlling genius! Well, you might be but some people aren’t. For those, who struggled daily during their normal routine, in controlling their emotions and reactions to people’s actions, it becomes more difficult. Ask for help, from anyone who you think makes you safe and secure. It can be your spouse, your friend, your parents, your siblings, your coach, your team, your business partner and if you say there isn’t anyone, then ask ‘Who is the person you will give your life to? Who you love more than yourself?’

And there’s your answer!


Life can be a soothing sail or it can be tidal wave. It all depends on your choice and your mind only.

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