4 signs of a bad relationship

A bad or toxic relationship is something you will not realize you are in, until you’re out of it. Bad relationships invade every aspect of your lives, from your friendships to your family relationships. They can make you feel depressed or anxious for no reason.

Henry Winkler says Assumptions are the termites of relationships” yet it is leading cause of broken relationships.

Now what is a bad relationship and how will you know you are in one? It always shows some signs, some bigger than others and more often than any good thing you can remember about your relation.

1. The only memories you have are your fights

When you ask yourself when was the last time you had the best day, you can only remember the day you didn’t fight.

2. You don’t feel like a priority

Does your partner put you first when you need it? and who will drop everything and help you when it’s really important? If not, then you’re not a priority to your partner. Although you can’t always be top priority, yet you should feel like your partner cares about you.

3. You feel happy when they are not around

The only person they care about is themselves and talk only about how their work and people around them is making their lives miserable. They don’t seem to care when you tell them about what is bothering you. That’s why when they are not around, you feel free and happy.

4. You feel it is okay to hide things

Honesty and Communication are the two things which make foundation of a good relationship but, when it is not your dream relation, you feel it is okay not to be transparent and to hide certain things from your partner and they don’t seem to care or worse, know how the dynamic of your relationship has changed!

Although, it can be easy to spot signs of a bad relationship but what is difficult comes later, with the decision what you want to do next.

“You can’t just give up on someone because the situation is not ideal. Great relationships are not great because they have no problems. They are great because both people care enough about the other person to find a way to make it work.”

You need ask “Is it worth it”?

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