5 easy steps to change

Change is resisted by everyone, yet you all aren’t the same person as you were 5 years ago. Sometimes change can be gradual and sometime it can be sudden. Sometimes it brings joy, sometimes a lesson. It happens because life wants you to grow and according to Charles Darwin Theory of Evolution, it is needed to survive. If you do not do it by yourself, you must have observed things circumstances eventually force you to change.

There are few steps you can do to start this process by yourself and control what you want to do next rather than just living the life being handed over to you.

So, here are your 5 easy steps for embracing change.

First, assess your current life scenario, whether you are happy or unhappy with your job, your business not giving the results you want, your relationships or not earning enough money. These bring up the feeling of “I want more than this..”

Second, assess your actions, ask yourself how are you getting the current results in life. It means you dig deep and understand what is making you feel unhappy.

Third, you make a plan. A goal is only a wish if it is not backed up by a plan. How you make a plan? By understanding the gap of where you are and where you want to go.

Fourthput your plan into actionStart taking small steps. It will make the change easier to implement. It is always hard at first but if you keep doing it over and over, you make a new positive habit.

Fifth, assess your action plan and see where you can improve. It is always hit and trial. The process is called PDCA- Plan Do Check Act. Habits are hard to change but nothing is impossible. It always start with ‘me’ and it goes to ‘we’.

For instance, you make the plan, you see that it is taking a lot of resources, a lot of time, a lot of other things, then you revisit your plan and make adjustments in it and do the process again until you get it right.

Life is not complicated but the way a person thinks makes it. It is time for you need to stand guard at the door of your mind because you cannot allow just any thoughts to seep in. Take steps in a simple and easy way to live an easy life.

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