5 Keys to Handle Stress

5 keys to handle stress.

Stress, nowadays has become an integral part of people’s life. It has become so common that it is like people saying- ‘Come! Let’s stakeout our problems and find Stress’! Why do people do so? It’s simple! When anyone starts a new prospect/job or buy a new thing or take a new work/home route, what are the most common thoughts?

“What could go wrong?”

“Let me see what can not happen if I start this and I try to work it out”

“If I do this, what would people think of me”

“This is not the right thing to do, I need to know if anyone else is doing the same”

“I can’t leave my job and start a business because it is stupid thing to do, as business is for the rich and is never successful for people like me. It always takes away money. Who will take care of my finances and my feed my family!”

What are all the above things? These are all the negative thoughts or the problems that you are looking for even when you think of doing something.

Now, the stress is there. True! But, sometimes stress can be good, other times it can be bad. Good stress can help motivate you to perform better or to overcome an obstacle: rising to the challenge. It can also allow you to have the energy to keep you going by keeping you alert. However, if, for whatever reason, you’re not able to manage the stress, then it can become a problem. It can damage your relationships, affect your ability to meet your obligations (e.g. work), affect your mood (e.g. make you feel depressed), and it can even cause physical manifestations (e.g. upset stomach and insomnia).

Are there any ways you can reduce it or eliminate it?

Of course there is!

Here are the 5 keys to handle stress.

First key to handle stress is to Begin your day Right!

There is a wonderful crack on how to start your day that most of the successful people follow like a ritual!

Here it goes

When you wake up, first thing to do is not to look at mobile or check your messages or emails but to look inwards, meaning who you are and what you want to do with this wonderful day to make it more productive and healthy.

Second key to handle stress is Focus

When you focus on Solutions you get solutions, when you focus on problems, you get Stress! It is not possible you won’t get problems but the key lies in how you communicate it to your brain. Call your problems- ‘Challenges’ and you will see for yourself the shift in your thoughts! Try it now!

Third key to handle stress is Taking Actions

Actions super seed any emotions you feel. When you take actions you feel more fulfilled, more content, more direct and isn’t that what everyone wants in their life!

Results doesn’t give much satisfaction as Progress does and progress comes by Taking Actions!

Fourth Key to handle stress is Persistence

Have you ever heard of someone who tried something the first time and it was a success?

If you say Yes! there are people no matter what they do they succeed, it is because they have these keys integrated in their lives. To have a reality check for you, even the now U.S. President Donald Trump faced bankruptcy three times but he never gave up! Steve Jobs was kicked out of his own company which he founded before he took over again!

It is not what we don’t do that matters but it is what we do and how we do it, that matters!

Fifth Key for handling stress is Patience

The mother nature gives us bountiful but it sure takes her time. A seed planted now will give its fruit later then why you rush?


Keep pushing forward everyday! The 5 keys to handle Stress is hidden in your daily routine. You will surprised to see the results. I assure you, You will be astonished to see the results of just one good habit.

Stress is a state of mind, not an involuntary emotion!

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