5 steps of healing

Healing, whether physical or mental is a very objective feeling. Who you are and who you were is the question where the whole truth of healing lies. You can be in the great mood today, feeling at the top of the world with people around you and yet at night when everyone goes to sleep, you ask yourself “What now!” Healing is different for different individuals.

It is never too easy to let go of the past. In fact, it becomes more and more difficult as the years go by. Some people might tell you to ‘get it over with’ but only you know the truth. It is never an emotional or a painful memory that requires healing but it is anything that you are not able to let go of. For instance, it can be a memory of not getting your mom’s love, being bullied in school, bullying someone in school, not being able to connect with anyone, being called an introvert, not landing your dream job, your dream relation, even your dream family etc.

So, how can you feel happy and content with your current life.

1. Identify what you are feeling

The first thing when it comes to healing is to accept what you are feeling. With conscious awareness, comes emotional mastery.

2. Count your blessings

Here’s the thing, you cannot change what you have right now and trade it for something better instantly. What you can do is feel blessed for all the things you have with you.

3. Make a plan

Yes, even healing doesn’t occur without planning because it is also a goal. Sit down and write the happy memories and understand the emotions coming from each memory. This will guide you in understanding what is it that makes you happy.

4. Be confident

Healing also requires your intention. It is not a wish that can be granted. The more your emotions and actions are channelized with your intention, the easier it is to achieve.

5. Letting go

The most important part in healing process is to let go of the past. It is easier said than done, but it is definitely the key. Some people let go at different pace and time and some people just cannot. True! No! It is not so. You can make your own definition of letting go and follow it. After all it is your healing!

You are you and you are responsible for your life.

Happy Healing!

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