5 ways to save your relationship

In life everyone craves for a perfect relationship, a perfect woman, a perfect man, a perfect person. But is it real? The perfection? Maybe or maybe not. It all depends on two factors; who are the two people in the relationship. It is up to them to make it or break it.

Often in relationship people tend to forget that the person they are with is not their childhood love. Well in some cases they actually are. But whether they are or aren’t, your partner is not someone who you know 24*7 like you know your family or your family knows you. Sometimes, understanding just this simple fact can change the entire dynamics of the relationship.

You can find the following 5 ways you can actually save your relationship and make it a fulfilling one.

1. It takes two to make a relation, it also takes two to break one

Often during an argument between a couple, one person tends to blame and accuse the other of every shortcoming in the relationship. The other may, at times, swallow it and bear for the sake of relationship, but it won’t be the same always. Remember, you both have left your comfortable secure zone of single-hood to have a partner for life, then you both need to sit down and accept each other. The change will come, but it will be gradual so, Be patient!

2. Enjoy alone time

It is amazing to spend every minute of every day together and snuggling when it is a start of the relationship, but it is doesn’t always remain the same. Like other things, relationship evolves as well, because your priorities change. Now, instead of feeling ‘why my partner is not giving time to me’, give them space. Let them come to you on their own. Listen to them, look at them and understand what they are trying to tell you.

3. Remember the wonderful time, not the times you have argued

Sometimes you may think of nothing but all the arguments and bad memories you have of your partner. It happens in two cases. One, you actually are in a bad relationship, in that case, you need to decide what you want to do next. Second, it might be possible that you are trying to change them and when they don’t, you can only remember the worst times. Instead, try to remember those beautiful things which made you fall in love in the first place.

4. Acceptance

This is by far one of the most important things to do. A relationship has two people but they are different people. Though there are similarities but the differences are what bring a couple closer. Because it is the spice of the relationship. Any time when you are getting mad on your partner and feel like why you chose them, think of how your life will be if you are single! Though easy but it won’t be so dynamic and baby! we all love some spice in our food!

5. Plan a futureĀ together

A relationship is not just about now but it is also about what next. Friction occurs when one person is ‘past’ person and one is ‘future’ or if one person is ‘present’ person and the other is either ‘past’ or ‘future’. Which means there is a gap. Here, if possible, sit down to have a open heart to heart talk and understand how from ‘past’ you can come to ‘present’ to lead a better ‘future’. Because even if you don’t like to plan, future is always the way forward.

Relationship is a two way street where you can either move in one direction or in opposite. The result in both cases, however, are not the same. It is also a hard work, as is any other job in the world, but here you get to feel secure, safe, sound and loved, with a little trying. So, are you ready to try?

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