6 steps for a healthy relationship

Relationship is a bitter sweet fruit. You want it sometimes and sometimes you don’t. It is like a roller coaster ride one time, and other time it is like a calming sea. Yet everyone, everywhere is looking for their perfect match always. What makes relationship such a desirable fruit! It is a basic need of human being to survive.

Now, finding a partner can be easy, but maintaining it what requires effort, and compassion. Most people in the pursuit of doing the latter, let go of the first because latter is hard work. You will say relationship shouldn’t be hard work as you have heard, well, yes, it isn’t. If it is with the right person, the things you want to do will come naturally. Just like everything else.

Habits play a very important role in relationship and they have very positive and powerful impact. The reason being you are with a person who is not you or who hasn’t seen you 24*7 from your childhood so, they don’t know what you like and don’t like and vice versa. Your habits and your actions play a very important role.

Now, how can you have a lasting, passionate relationship. Here are your 6 steps.

1. Show respect to your partner

When you express respect towards your partner, you are expressing your love, acceptance, and warmth. When you express disrespect, you are expressing that you don’t accept your partner. Respecting your partner is all about valuing them for who they are, including differences. You may have a different outlook on life but this does not mean that you should disrespect your partner and put them down.

2. Communicate with your partner

Take time to talk to your partner. Whether it is through long morning/evening walks, talking time out from watching television and work. It doesn’t mean just speaking to them about your day on and on but also, listening to them and giving them space so they can also express themselves freely. Communication solves majority of the problems in the world, so why not inculcate this habit at your house first.

3. Express your opinion in constructive way

The habit of expressing positive attributes about your partner will help deepen the connection in your relationship. Make a habit of expressing positive attributes to others. This positive pattern of behavior creates admiration, fondness and love. If you are talking about your future plans and there seem to be a disagreement, take a pen and paper and write what your thoughts and look for commonality. That is always there.

4. From “me” become a “we”

Before a relationship, everyone have their own set of agendas and dreams. When you do get in relationship, it is not necessary your partner will follow with your agendas and dreams. The important thing is to understand is there is no “me” in the relationship. A successful relationship is where both partners talk and come to an common ground about their aspirations.

5. Be intimate

Well, it cannot be stressed enough but any lasting relation requires partners to come closer to each other not only through mind, but through body and soul as well. When you are intimate, you are expressing your vulnerability to the other person and it demonstrates trust. It is an unspoken bond which makes the partner come closer.

6. Honesty and Expression

Nothing says perfect relation where there honesty and expression of love. Give your partner a surprise once in a while. Even if you don’t them or they don’t, it doesn’t matter. Everyone loves the attention. Tell your partner you love them often than you think you are doing now. You both are thinking of spending a lot of time together, so why not make is more enjoyable and fun. Rekindle your romance by doing silly things which you did when you first got together and spice it up with some real time fun.

Of course, it isn’t always a rosy path filled with fun and joy. Be grateful, you both are together, it is all that matters! After a long dark night, comes a bright, beautiful sun.

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