Today, there is an interesting topic for everyone. It is 7 Habits to make you irresistible.
Everyone wants to be “that person” in the room. Who is that person? The person who gets all the attention and who is the life of a party or anywhere they go! It is not about faking it, but it is about actually being that irresistible person!
Let’s begin
Not every kind of confidence is attractive. Too much confidence can come off as “arrogance” and we don’t want that now, do we? It is difficult to take someone seriously if they are only bragging about what they are doing or have done or yada yada. People who are proud of their achievement and are secure about themselves are a great company. Everyone wants to be around such people’s aura! They don’t need approval or praise from anyone to feel good about themselves. Happiness can actually be felt when someone is quietly confident.
People who are a risk taker and are ready to take a plunge come any challenge are always look up to. Look at this pandemic, for instance. The people in the front line became a hero. Their stories were shared everywhere. Similarly, in life, people who overcome their fear and have the ability to do what others cannot, are irresistible.
Before anyone takes a leap, there is a bad habit that always stand in the way. People can believe that they can cross a boundary, overcome fear, or even take a risk, but do they believe in their ability to succeed or do they self sabotage their success? Irresistible people don’t expect to get rejected because they only pursue success. They always believe in their ability to overcome any challenge! This ability gives them the power to be secure in their decisions and know when it is not working and to change the approach. When someone expects to fail, it is difficult for them to find success.
Irresistible people do not pursue small talks. They are the life of a party. Confident people know which conversation and when to do and with who. These people make great rapport and they can lead the conversation, without talking so much.
Irresistible people don’t engage in long conversations and discussions. They are mostly who are leading the talks, without even talking. There is quiet subtle nudge from topic to topic. “If asked a good question, you will get a good answer“, is the approach of these people.
Irresistible people aren’t afraid to show their vulnerability to anyone because they believe in making real connections. and these connections are made with genuine real emotions. Aren’t they! The truth is, People want you to care! They want you to get excited, to care and to laugh and to express sadness because that is what real people do.
The top most quality of an irresistible person is their ability to see all the perspective in any situation and not be judgmental. This quality comes from the ability of being attentive of the subtle non-verbal cues like body language. Paying attention to others teaches you to look outward, to observe the people around you and understand how they are feeling. Irresistible people are some of the least self-centered people you will ever meet. They have learned to read, understand and connect with people around them.
So, these are 7 Habits to make you irresistible. You are free to add more qualities you want, because hey! after all, who wouldn’t like to become the person everyone wants to be with and enjoy being that person!