7 Keys of Success

Success is knowing what you do the best and keep doing it over and over again you perfect it.

As you already know, it is a lie that successful people don’t fail. They do fail. Sometimes more miserably than someone who loses his/her job and they are held responsible in front of the whole world. Sometimes they do they break down! But what is it that makes them apart from the rest of the people in the world!

Here are the 7 Lies Successful people tell themselves in any situation they face:

1.Everything happens for a reason and a purpose, and it serves us.

Whatever happens, they know it is for a reason, They may not know it now but it is for serving them for good. It is the way they represent any situation in their mind. The difference in perception is all that takes to know and to progress!

2. There is no such thing as failure. There are only feedback.

When you plan to do something in life and it doesn’t happen, you call it a failure. When it happens twice, you call yourself failure. And then you don’t attempt third time. Successful people, on the other hand, doesn’t believe in the word Failure. For them it is Outcomes or Feedback from which they learn, they grow! If they would also have given up just like anyone else, world would not have been an easy place to live in! Isn’t it. Again here, it is their perception of the experience they get after they attempt to do something big.

3. Whatever happens, take responsibility.

Another characteristic of successful people is that they take full responsibility of what they do right and what they do wrong. Accepting their flaw makes them human and makes people respect them more and their creation grows. Taking the responsibilities makes more powerful to face all the challenges coming in their way.

4. It’s not necessary to understand everything to be able to use everything.

Many leaders in the world do not believe in knowing everything. They know what is essential and hire people who can help them to grow more, create more! Time is the biggest asset of successful people. So, if any successful person is bogged down by very minute details of everything, how will they achieve!

5. People are your greatest resource.

Most successful companies in the world believe in empowering their team. Why? Because if their teams believe in them, people around them will believe in them. It is how they show genuine concern and care and become one of the most successful businesses of all time.

6. Work is play.

Do you know anyone who is successful in doing what he hates? Probably not. One key to be successful is to enjoy whatever you are doing and keep doing it without knowing whether it is night, day, lunch time, dinner time or anything else. This does not mean you forget the things you need to do but it means that when you are in your passion, you forget the whole world.

7. There is no Success without commitment.

Those who persists, achieve. When you do something you love, empowering people who are helping you to grow, taking responsibility of every action and inaction you take of the results/outcomes you get, finding your true purpose of being in life, Success is not far!


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