7 Tips to sleep better

A good night’s sleep is like a treasure because the better your sleep is, the better the day will be and here are 7 tips to sleep better.

A good sleep used to be an aim for few people but due to many reasons like the pandemic and the stress accompanied by it, it has become an aim for majority of people.

A sound sleep is just like a good exercise or a good diet. It helps people feel better because it helps to secrete happy hormones, increase performance and brain functions. To optimize health or to lose weight, getting a good night’s sleep is one of the most important things.

Research shows that poor sleep can cause weight gain and increase disease risk in both adults and children.

Here are 7 simple tips to sleep better.

1. Protection from Blue light

Blue light is emitted by the electronics used on daily basis nowadays by adults and children, for their work or for online classes. Decreasing the exposure time or decreasing the effects of the blue light will help reduce the strain on the eyes and mind. Try using blue light filters whether on laptops, mobiles or tablets. Instead of blue light, exposure to bright light, most beneficial, the sunlight, helps in decreasing the strain and reducing the exposure stress.

2. Try to sleep and wake up at the same time

Body’s circadian rhythm functions better on a set loop, aligning with sunrise and sunset. Be consistent with sleep and waking times as it can aid long-term sleep quality. One study noted that participants who had irregular sleeping patterns and went to bed late on the weekends reported poor sleep. Other studies have highlighted that irregular sleep patterns can alter circadian rhythm and levels of melatonin, which signal brain to sleep.

3. Consume caffeinated products before dusk

Caffeine definitely has good affects on body and its function and helps improve concentration, focus, energy and performance. However, if consumed late in the day, caffeine stimulates nervous system and stop the body from naturally relaxing at night. In one study, consuming caffeine up to 6 hours before bed significantly worsened sleep quality. If there is a craving to have coffee after dusk, it is recommended to go to decaffeinated one.

4. Control the long naps

Naps are good for concentration level and to relax and it is good if taken in proper time. 20 to 30 minutes of nap can improve the performance and focus levels, however, long naps can only reduce the body’s efficiency and make it feel more tired.

5. Create a serene bedroom ambiance

It is noted that bedroom environment and its setup are key factors in getting a good night’s sleep. These factors include temperature, noise, external lights, and furniture arrangement. Numerous studies has shown that external noise, from traffic, can cause poor sleep and long-term health issues. Optimize bedroom environment, minimize external noise, light, and artificial lights from devices like even clocks. Bedroom should be a quiet, relaxing, clean, and enjoyable place.

6. Eat well before sleeping

Consuming a large fat rich meal just before bedtime can lead to poor sleep and hormone imbalance. However, certain meals and light snacks a few hours (3-4 hours) before bed may help.

7. Relax and do breathing exercises before bed

Some relaxation exercises before bed have shown to improve sleep quality a lot. Some good techniques include listening to relaxing music, reading a book, taking a hot bath, meditating, deep breathing, and visualization.

Bottom line is a good sound refreshing sleep plays a key role in good health. If your aim to have the best health and well-being, it’s recommended that you make a good sound sleep a top priority and integrate some of the tips from above.

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