Battling Corona in 2021

It was a baffling year of 2020 where there was unity in the world, in the sense of battling with coronavirus. Now, it is 2021 and situation has come back to square one! So how is the world battling with corona in 2021?

A WHO study shows that “the COVID-19 pandemic has taken many human lives worldwide and presents an unprecedented challenge to public health, food systems and the world of work. The economic and social disruption is devastating. Millions of people are at risk of falling into extreme poverty, while the number of undernourished people. Millions of companies face an existential threat. Nearly half of the world’s 3.3 billion global workforces is at risk of losing their livelihoods.” And all this was in the year 2020!

Without the means to earn an income during lockdowns, many are unable to feed their families with any nutritious food. 

Border closure, trade restriction, and confinement measures are preventing farmers leading to disruption of domestic and international food supply chain. The impact of corona is diverse, ranging from mental to physical to psycho-social health.

Corona vs Influenza vs Viral Fever

Based on the current weather situation, it is very likely that people all over the world are feeling feverish, ticklish in their nose and having cough symptoms. The comparison for the diseases are as said below but nothing is in black or white.

Battling Corona in 2021

The new wave which has hit India has been spreading like wild fire but there isn’t a need for panic. The key is to prevent the disease, rather than going to the extreme and waiting in line in the hospital and not getting any treatment.

Take these following steps:

  1. If you find yourself having slight difficulty in your nose, throat, breathing, whole body, try to remain calm and assess your symptoms yourself first.
  2. If you are unable to assess your symptoms, consult your home physician first. This point is very important and will help a lot later.
  3. If your physician has assessed your symptoms and tells you there is nothing to worry about, except the prescription they provide, follow it like a religious book. At any point if you feel deviated, do no hesitate to take a follow up.
  4. If your physician, asks you to consult a hospital, only then you need to prepare yourself for it. Making a decision to go to a hospital on your own might do more harm than good to you.
  5. Take the natural care, as provided to you by the guidelines from the government since it is very effective.
  6. Homeopathy has excellent management and prophylactic for Corona and other similar diseases. Take homeopathy for you and your family

OTC to be taken as per the directives include:

  1. Vitamin C Tab 1 daily.
  2. Natural Herbal drink or Kada once a day.
  3. Tea with ginger, honey and other herbs.
  4. Steam is currently a very effective way of killing the virus and prevent its spread.
  5. Eat a lot of green leafy vegetables and legumes.
  6. Take a lot of fruits and water.
  7. Avoid too cold or too sour foods.
  8. Vit B12 with Zinc Tab 1 daily
  9. Take plenty of sleep.
  10. Do a lot of breathing exercises. Oxygen increases nourishment and healing faster.
  11. Meditation, Yoga, Mindfulness based activities.
  12. Spread love, laughter and joy among all human and living beings.
  13. Be Kind.

Homeopathy and Battling Corona in 2021

Homeopathy is a system of medicine going back more than 200 years. It works on the principle of individualization, meaning every person has different medicine for themselves. There are many preventive and managing medicines in homeopathy for the infectious diseases like Influenza, Corona, Viral, Common Cold etc with excellent results.

For the best use please take a consult so your actual medicine can be analysed and prescribed from the hundreds of medicines including Belladona, Bryonia, Gelsemium, Arsenic Album, Aconite, Pulsatilla, Influnezinum, Psorinum, Kali Bi, Nux Vomica, Hepar Sulph etc. Along with these medications, other OTCs are also required as per your body needs which will be prescribed by your physician.

Whether is it preventive or managing after the symptoms have appeared, homeopathy has excellent role in battling corona in 2021.

Disclaimer: This article is written by the Dr Kanika Vashishtha for informational and educational purposes only. The content presented on this page should not be considered as a substitute for medical expertise. Please “DO NOT SELF-MEDICATE” and seek professional help regarding any health conditions or concerns. Dr Kanika Vashishtha or this website will not be responsible for any act or omission arising from the interpretation of the content present on this page.

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