Cure Hairfall with Homeopathy

People tends to get emotional with their hair because whether they wear it long or short, everyday they give a certain amount of time into grooming. It is because of this everyday habit that people notice hair fall and other changes in the scalp and hair. Thinning of hair is worrisome since it is the first step that can lead to permanent hair loss and eventual baldness. Hence, to cure hairfall becomes the top most priority for people.

Although hairfall happens everyday! An average adult head have about 100,000 to 150,000 hairs. Out of these, it is normal to lose about 50 to 100 strands of hair every day. The problem arises when the cycle of hair growth does not keep pace with the cycle of hair loss. As long as the hair continues to regrow at the same speed as it falls (naturally), hair loss is not an issue.

The many stages of hair

Normal phases of hair growth include anagen, catagen and telogen phase. After completion of the last stage, the entire cycle is repeated.

Anagen phase (growth phase) – Active phase which lasts for 3 to 5 yrs. It includes around 85% of hairs.

Catagen (regression phase) – Around 1- 3 % of the hair which includes last 10 – 20 days where the hair stops growing.

Telogen phase (resting/shedding phase) – Approximately 10% of the hair are in this phase which lasts mostly around three months, after which the hair falls out.

What causes Hairfall

The exact cause of hairfall is not known, but it is considered to be autoimmune origin. In addition there is genetic component involved and some are linked with stress. The affected hair follicle are mistakenly attacked by own immune system (white blood cells) by a chemical called cytokines resulting in anagen (hair growth) stage to stop abruptly and a move to the  telogen (resting ) phage where the hair shed suddenly.

Today’s competitive life causes stress which has important role in hair fall. Even sudden acute stress also causes hair fall.

  1. External/Seasonal Causes: Winter, excessive used of hair sprays and gel, improper used of hair coloring agent, excessive used of electric hair curlers, dry indoor heating, infrequent washing of hair, inadequate rinsing hair after, stress or anxiety.
  2. Internal Cause: Hormonal imbalance, poor hygiene, allergic hypersensitivity.
  3. Lack of rest.
  4. Excessive consumption of sugar, fat starch, improper nutrition.
  5. Hereditary predisposition.
  6. Excessive perspiration over oil glands.
  7. A large number of infectious diseases can also cause hair loss on localized areas the scalp, such as Tinea capitis, Lichen planus, Syphilis, Dandruff, Eczema, Infection of scalp, Dirty skin on face.
  8. Thyroid diseases.
  9. After diseases like Typhoid, Dengue, acute fever.
  10. After an emotional trauma.
  11. Autoimmune disease like Alopecia.
  12. Drugs and Chemotherapy
  13. Injury/Trauma
  14. Nutritional deficiency.

Androgenic Alopecia : Also known as Male Pattern Baldness is thinning of the hair in both men and women which is hereditary in nature. According to statistics, 40% of the men undergo noticeable hair loss by the age of 35. By the time they’re 80, they lose almost 80% of their hair. In young adults, male pattern baldness typically begins from the frontal area and the crown. With age, it progresses towards the back of the head. Signs of early hair loss in men can be visible as early as the age of 18.

Female pattern baldness: The main difference between male and female pattern baldness is the pattern of hair loss. In females, thinning of hair is observed. 40% of the women experience visible hair loss by the age of 40 years. 90% of female baldness is linked to genetics but since there are many factors that contribute to the problem as well. Most females begin losing hair from their parting line, which widens it, followed by general diffused hair thinning on the scalp.

Be aware early warning signs which include:

  • Hairline gets reduced from the forehead and temples.
  • Bald patch on top of the scalp.
  • Reduced hair density.
  • Thinning of hair.
  • Itching on the scalp.
  • Dandruff
  • Dirty scalp.
  • Eczema of scalp.
  • Lichen planus.
  • Worms

Use of Homeopathy

Homeopathic remedy to cure hairfall is a more conservative form of treatment as compared to conventional treatments like the use of drugs like minoxidil and finasteride and other methods like a hair transplant. Minoxidil does show good results but it can have side effects like unwanted body hair, irregular heartbeat, allergic drug reactions like a rash, swelling of the throat, face, or tongue and dizziness. Finasteride is a drug used to treat inflammation in the prostate glands and also helps decrease the rate of hair loss. Its side effects include allergic reactions like hives, swelling on the face and difficulty in breathing. Impotence and loss of interest in sexual activity are some more severe side effects.

Homeopathy treats hairfall by targeting the root cause whether hormonal or any underlying disease. There are no side effects and hence, it becomes the most effective option to cure hairfall of all kinds.

Homeopathic treatment to cure hairfall include individualistic treatment, meaning the cure is based on the person’s physical and mental structure.

Some Hair tonics and Shampoos are available in Homeopathy which includes drugs like Calendula, Arnica, Jaborandi. Along with this the individualistic treatment is highly recommended.

Along with Homeopathy, hairfall can also be slowed down by following methods:

  • Washing hair with gentle movements and lukewarm water, and drying them carefully.
  • Getting adequate amount of sleep and reducing stress.


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