
“If you have big enough why, you will find the big enough how”

There is one distinction which separates winners from losers. That word is ‘Determination

The only reason why determination exists is because they know what they want in life. They know what their path is and the outcome, the obstacles or road block don’t seem to bother them at all.

Knowing what you want is a biggest achievement there is. A study in Harvard has shown that out of their 100 students enrolled over a passage of time (sample size), only 5 became successful. The reason? Those 5 people knew what they wanted in life and it got them determined enough to not listen to what people are saying, or what others feel about them; it was what they see, and feel about themselves and their vision.

Another interesting thing to note is sometimes people have determination, yet they do not succeed. Sometimes people know what they want, and yet they do not succeed. The reason is simple- Synergy. Knowing what you want and getting ready to take actions, whatever necessary, creates a complete successful mixture.

It is like a recipe, you need the ingredients of what you are making and what are the steps of making it. Only then you will create the results that you want. If you put sugar instead of salt, it won’t be the same thing. If you put too much pepper or chilli, it won’t be the same thing either. It has to be the way the recipe says.

Well, for your life, you can be either the cook or get a recipe and cook the outcome. For making the dish for the first time, there are many steps and failures involved but as you do it over and over again it becomes a habit, you can do even in your sleep!

“People cannot solve their problems; with the same mindset they used when they created one”- Albert Einstein

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