Fatty Liver Disease and Homeopathy

In this article we are going to discuss the relationship between fatty liver disease and homeopathy. Homeopathy has proven time and again to be very useful in improving fatty liver and give relief to many patients.

Let’s first discuss Fatty liver.

A collection of fats in the liver cells is called fatty liver. This condition is also called steatosis hepatis Fatty liver by itself though abnormal, is a relatively harmless condition. The liver is the largest organ in the human body. It plays many roles in keeping the biochemical balance intact. You should know some normal functions of the liver to understand how disease affects it. Under normal conditions, your liver creates optimal nutrition for all the 50 trillion odd cells in your body.

Different roles played by the liver are:

  1. Production of bile – which is necessary for proper digestion. Bile salts emulsify the fats and improve digestion. Also, when fat soluble vitamins A, D, and K are dissolved in bile, they are absorbed better. A good measure of toxic substances is produced in the body daily which are only fat soluble. The liver thus helps in elimination of toxic byproducts from the body by producing bile.
  2. Production of many clotting factors and proteins from amino acids which are important for every process of healing, repair and cell growth.
  3. It is the largest storehouse of many vitamins (A, D, K + B12),iron and minerals. The liver also converts all the B-Complex vitamins into their active forms. Every nutrient, be it vitamins, minerals or amino acids,are converted into their biologically active forms by the liver. Nutrients in foods and supplements are never in their active, absorbable forms. The liver makes them active thus, making them available for body functions.
  4. The liver has huge stores of energy. It produces glucose from the different sugars in our diet and stores it in the form of glycogens.
  5. Buffers any major fluctuations in glucose levels when glucose levels are high.
  6. Vital in the removal of old, worn-out red blood cells from circulation.
  7. The thyroid hormone T4 is converted into its more potent form T3 within the liver
  8. Detoxification of the body is a major function. Chemicals,industrial pollutants, metabolic wastes from junk foods, drugs, insecticide residues, alcohol, etc. are some of the dangerous toxins eliminated through our liver.

What is Fatty Liver?

Fatty liver has large amounts of fats (triglycerides) accumulating within the liver cells. Alcohol and obesity are two leading causes of fatty liver worldwide. Alcoholic Liver Disease (ALD) and Alcoholic Fatty Liver (AFL) are entities by themselves. Obesity plus other non-alcoholic conditions comprise Non Alcoholic Liver Disease (NALD). When these fat cells cause inflammation of the liver tissues, it’s called steatotic hepatitis and it is of notable concern. Both alcohol as well as other conditions causing major biochemical changes in our bodies can cause steatotic hepatitis. When this condition is due to reasons other than alcohol, it’s denoted by the term Non-Alcoholic Steatotic Hepatitis or more commonly as NASH. Fatty liver when inflamed, can over a period of time cause scarring and fibroses of the liver. This condition called cirrhosis is serious and has serious side-effects if left unchecked.

Stages (Grades) of Fatty Liver

Fatty liver as mentioned is not a critical condition; its stages of development are divided in grades




Grade 1 and Grade 2 of fatty liver can be controlled with proper medication.

Causes of Fatty liver

Why fatty liver occurs, is unknown. A fatty diet or overeating by itself never results in a fatty liver. The fat may come from increased absorption from the intestines or from elsewhere in the body. But, putting it generally, the liver loses its capacity to eliminate fats deposited within it.Yet, 70% of persons suffering from NASH are found to be obese.

Some common causes are:

  1. Metabolic syndromes- Apart from alcohol, there are many conditions that cause an imbalance in the body’s metabolic capacity·
  2. Diabetes
  3. High blood pressures (hypertension)
  4. High blood cholesterol
  5. Pregnancy
  6. Glycogen storage disease
  7. Congenital disorders
  8. Galactosemia – a disorder which affects the way milk is metabolized in the body.
  9. Infections like tuberculosis and malaria.
  10. Nutritional causes
  11. Severe malnutrition
  12. Obesity
  13. Sudden rapid weight loss
  14. Surgeries
  15. Drugs
  16. Corticosteroids
  17. Valproic acids (used in epileptic patients)
  18. Medications for heart conditions like irregular heartbeats and high blood pressures e.g. amiodarone; diltiazem.
  19. Sedatives
  20. Tamoxifen – used in treating breast cancer.
  21. Methotrexate
  22. Anti-retroviral drugs (indinavir)
  23. Overdose of Vitamin A
  24. In extreme cases, amiodarone and methotexate can cause cirrhosis.
  25. Other toxins from food stuffs like rancid peanuts – aflatoxins are extremely toxic, mushroom poisoning, phosphorus from environment.

6 Tips to Reduce Fatty Liver Disease—Common Complication of Diabetes,  Obesity - Developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, or NAFLD, occurs in  people with obesity and type 2 diabetes, and can be reversed

Source of pic: Internet.

Risk factors for Fatty liver

Your chances of developing fatty liver are high if you·

  1. are obese
  2. are an alcoholic
  3. Suffer from high blood pressures which often fluctuate or are on long-term medications for the same.
  4. Blood cholesterol levels are high.

Symptoms of Fatty liver

Mild Fatty liver is usually asymptomatic. It is detected incidentally during routine tests performed. However, some persons can have symptoms which are often vague.

  1. Malaise – or a feeling of severe discomfort, making the person wants to rest.
  2. Fatigue – even with moderate exertion
  3. Fullness and heaviness in the abdomen, more in the right upper corner
  4. However, with fatty liver unchecked can progress into cirrhosis which is life-threatening. Thereafter, features of liver failure present themselves.
  5. Yellowish discoloration of skin (jaundice), dark colored urine.
  6. Weight loss
  7. Nausea and vomiting
  8. Loss of appetite
  9. Itching in hands and legs which gradually spread all over the body
  10. Poor memory, poor concentration, dullness of thoughts, mental confusion
  11. Depression
  12. Loss of sexual interest

Fatty Liver disease and Homeopathy

Homeopathy treats the underlying causes behind fatty liver, improves liver functions and reduces the symptoms as well as modifies the disease process. Homeopathy is highly recommended for all cases of Fatty Liver and at the earliest of the stage it is detected.

Some of the medicines used in homeopathy for fatty liver disease are Phosphorus, Chelidonium, Pulsatilla, Lycopodium, China, Gelsemium, Bryonia, Baptisia etc.


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