3 traits of successful people with goals

Goals are very significant in life. Without goals, life is just a blind path, with no ambition or desire of achievement.

You need direction to drive a car to go anywhere else, you will reach nowhere. Similarly, what do you want in life? A good position in company, a 10-20% raise in salary with incentives, a loving relationship?

A person A has been in job for 10 years now and wakes up everyday at 6.30 AM to go to work. He drives to the office, cutting lanes, abusing some, reaches office to have a tough day but keep it together because “that’s the job” and “this is temporary!”. He goes back home so tired that he just eats his dinner and sleep.

There is another person X who also has been in job for 10 years and wakes up at 4.30 AM. He does his meditation, exercise/gym, have a mouthful of breakfast, reads the news and is at office by 8.30 AM. He works hard in the office till 7 PM and then goes home and enjoy time with family, read a book and is in bed by 10 PM.

Interesting right?

Who do you think these people might be?

Well, the answer to this question reveals the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful person.

Successful people make goals and are not in war with time or people but they move with time and become creative with it. The examples are Warren Buffet, Wayne Dyer, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump, Tim Cook, Satya Nadella, and Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Elon Musk etc.

These people and others do not make excuses of a bad day or a bad boss, not even a bad customer to deviate them from the goals what they want to achieve.

They have three traits, which they and every other successful person follow consciously or subconsciously. These are:

  1. Focus
  2. Persistence
  3. Patience

And the result is, they successfully achieve their goals.

Remember the wise words of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, a Dream with no Plan is just a Wish


A Goal is a Dream with Deadline, by Napoleon Hill.

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