Heel Pain and Homeopathy

In this article, we will understand what are the causes of Heel pain and how Heel pain can be relieved by Homeopathy.

What is heel pain? And its causes

Heel pain is a very common foot issue and can arise due to many reasons. The most common reason for it is Plantar fasciitis, which is inflammation of the muscle of the heel. The plantar fascia is a tissue band that connects the heel bone to the toes at the bottom of the feet. The pain in the heel from plantar fasciitis is most marked when getting out of bed in the morning on taking the first few steps.

The second most common cause is Heel spur or Calcaneal spur (abnormal bony growth at the bottom of the heel). Pain from a heel spur is worse on walking and standing.

The third most common cause is Achilles Tendonitis. Achilles tendonitis is the inflammation of the Achilles tendon – a band of tissue that connects the calf muscle in the back of the leg to the heel bone.

Heel pain can also be because of an inflammatory auto-immune disorder called Rheumatoid Arthritis and also due to Gout.

Other common causes include:

  1. Fracture
  2. Sprain
  3. Bursitis
  4. Trauma or Injury
  5. Cyst
  6. Poor circulation due to ill-fitting shoes
  7. Long-standing
  8. Osteomyelitis

Heel Spur

Home Remedies

Home care can help in the initial stage of the pain when it is not severe.

  • Rest: Avoid running or standing for long periods, walking on hard surfaces, and engaging in any activities that may stress the heels.
  • Ice: Place an ice pack for about 10-15 minutes.
  • Footwear: Wear strong-fitted shoes which you can buy or either get custom-made.
  • Foot supports: Nowadays there is foot support available in the market in form of foot cup.

Homeopathic Treatment for Heel pain

Homeopathic medicines are highly effective in treating heel pain. Heel pain from inflammation of joints/tendons/fascia, high uric acid, and bone spurs are very much treatable with Homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines for heel pain are very safe and carry no risk of adverse side effects. They are helpful in both acute and chronic heel pain. They act at the root to stop the recurrence of the disease process.

Top Homeopathic Remedies include:

  1. Rhus Tox
  2. Pulsatilla
  3. Aranea Diadema
  4. Calcarea Fluor
  5. Colchicum
  6. Ruta
  7. Ledum Pal

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