Homeopathy is a system of medicine that was developed by a German doctor named Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the 1790s. It has been considered as revolutionary, natural medical science, which is verified experimentally and clinically for 200+ years.


The first core principle on which the homeopathic medicine works is “similia similibus curentur“, i.e, “like cures like“, which means the substance which causes a certain symptom, can also help to remove that very symptom.

A second central principle is based on its production process, which is a process of dilution and shaking called succussion. It is believed that the more a substance is diluted, the greater is its power to treat the symptoms.

How does a Homeopathic Consultation start

When a patient goes to a homeopath, the physician usually asks not only about the specific health problem, but also will ask about the patient’s general well-being, emotional state, lifestyle and diet. Based on the patient’s answers to all these, the homeopathic physician then decides on the course of treatment, given in the form of homeopathic medicines in pills, liquid or tincture (solution).

Disease, Patient and Homeopathy

The concept of disease in homeopathy is that disease is a total affection of mind and body, i.e, the disturbance of the whole system of the patient. The manifestation of symptoms in any particular organ of the body is not the cause of illness, but the disturbance at the core level (disturbance of the life force, the vital energy of the body).

Homeopathy does not believe in giving different medicines for different parts of the body, but rather an overall medicine to the patient, which not only covers the current symptoms, but also the total well-being of the patient. Homeopathy treats the patient as a whole and not just the disease. Homeopathy has total holistic and individualistic approach of cure.

How Homeopathic medicines are being made?

In recent research, Homeopathic medicines have been found to contain the nanoparticles of the source material (from where the medicinal property is being extracted). It is believed to be of nano-pharmacological system. The particular mode of preparation is called ‘potentization‘,  and over 2500 homeopathic medicines are prepared from sources such as vegetables, animals, minerals, chemicals, etc.

Uses of Homeopathic medicines

Nowadays, homeopathic medicines are used for a variety of diseases, ranging from children ailments like cold, cough, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery, colic, tonsillitis, bronchitis, asthma, measles, chickenpox, mumps, dentition problems, etc., to, other adult ailments such as asthma, ear infections, hay fever, mental health conditions, like depression, stress and anxiety, allergies, such as food allergies, dermatitis (an allergic skin condition), bone disorders like arthritis, high blood pressure, thyroid disturbances, female disorders, male reproductive system disorders, gastric disorders, sinusitis, ear infection, stomach and intestinal infection, urinary infection, hair fall, dandruff, outgrowths like lumps, tumors etc.

Homeopathy has shown effective results in many infectious diseases like Covid-19 where the prophylactics (preventive medicines) given to patients, based on their constitution, have been proven highly beneficial.

Homeopathic medicines have the capability of influencing the mind and the body. They can cure and bring a sense of healing to many psychosomatic disorders like excessive anxiety, irritability, insecurity, obsessive traits, undue jealousy, suspicion (paranoid) fears, depression, neurosis etc.

The last-resort: Homeopathy

Due to ignorance and lack of awareness in the general about the usefulness of homeopathy, many patients approach homeopathy as a last-resort. The best and full benefits of homeopathic medicines can be seen in the early phases of sickness. If given properly and selectively, by the patient’s openness to their homeopathic physician, and the homeopath’s knowledge and zeal to cure, homeopathic medicines can show wonders and miracles at the beginning itself. If homeopathy is given in the later stage of any disease or disorder, by that time, the disease tends to advance to a more stubborn or worse, to an incurable stage and then homeopathy can offer little or long-progressive course of treatment, to the otherwise curable disease in the beginning.

Given timely, homeopathic treatment is a blessing to humanity.


There are certain limitations to the homeopathic treatment, such as in cases of extreme emergencies and in cases where the disease has progressed to such a level that it urgently requires surgical interventions. During that time, the homeopathic physician is bound by “do no harm” oath and always steers the patient to the treatment which can stabilize the condition at hand and improves the condition of the patient. Once the condition is stabilized, homeopathic medicines can be given along which conventional treatment to improve the complete well being and longevity of the patient.

Chose Homeopathy, chose Healing!