Homeopathy for A Healthy Mind and Body

A healthy mind means a healthy body and Homeopathy is for a healthy mind and body

Mental health refers to a person’s emotional, psychological and social well-being. It impacts how one thinks, feels and acts. Because of the broad scope and impact of mental health, it is “behavioral health.”

World Mental Health Awareness Week is a good reminder that it is important to talk about mental health.

It’s important to know that recovery is possible. If you or a loved one is suffering from a behavioral health problem, please talk to someone.

Your mental health influences how you think, feel, and behave in daily life. It also affects your ability to cope with stress, overcome challenges, build relationships, and recover from life’s setbacks and hardships. Being mentally or emotionally healthy is much more than being free of depression, anxiety, or other psychological issues.

Why Is It Important?

Mental health is a topic that gets stigmatized so often in society. If someone is having a mental health issue, they are less likely to get help because of that stigma and shame. Mental illness also gets misunderstood by those who have never experienced it.

Some people mistakenly see mental health problems as something they should know how to “snap out of.” Men, especially, would often rather bottle up their feelings than seek help.

Everyone tends to seek simple answers for complex problems. Connections are looked for in social media instead of reaching out to people in the real world.

Mental Health Affects Physical Health

Mental illness matters just as much as any disease. Depression, for example, can lead to suicidal tendencies and if untreated, suicidal attempts.

The mind and the body are connected. Many mental ailments cause stress, which lowers the immune system. This means more frequent sickness and inability to cope.

Stress and anxiety can take a toll on our physical health. Worry causes the body to release stress hormones that speed up heart rate and breathing, raises blood sugar, and send more blood to arms and legs. Over time, this can affect heart, blood vessels, muscles, and other systems.”

Mental Health Affects Everything

Mental health affects how to cope with life. Lack of treatment leads to hopelessness and sadness, worthlessness, feeling guilty, anxiety and worry, fear, and loss of control.

Relationships may suffer. Performance in any situation such as school or work may decline. Withdrawal and isolation may also happen.

People may lose interest in things once enjoyed. Task completion and time management may fall apart. It may also become difficult to concentrate.

Relationship with food may also change. There is a tendency to either eat a lot or not eat at all, both of which lead to different physical diseases.

Life may become overwhelming. If there are severe mental health issues, there is a loss of touch with reality and even the person can start hearing voices.

Self-harm may happen. Destructive patterns such as alcohol and drug use may strike, and suicidal tendencies may also come to mind. Overall, things will fall apart if mental health is not taken seriously.

Homeopathy for a healthy mind and body

Although depression isn’t uncommon, the way it’s experienced is unique from one person to the next. These diverse experiences are reflected in the wide range of homeopathic remedies used in the treatment of depression.  Many homeopathic remedies cover broad symptoms, such as sadness, pessimism, fear and anxiety, but in order to find a truly effective remedy, it must match the individualizing symptoms of the patient’s case.

The homeopathic definition of health is connected to its understanding of the mind in general. Homeopaths don’t separate the mind and body in the usual way; it is generally understood that body and mind are dynamically interconnected and that both directly influence each other. This acknowledgment of the interconnectness of body and mind is a scientifically proven concept. Homeopathic medicine matches the totality of the person’s physical and psychological symptoms, irrespective of “which came first.”

You may have said at one time or another that “we got a headache or some other symptom after getting angry, being depressed, or becoming fearful and that this emotion “caused” the headache. The emotional stress, however, may be only the “drop in the ocean” which means it is only what we see in the surface, the main cause can be known if the depth of the ocean is measured, i.e. various physical, environmental, and other stresses in life.

Too often it is assumed that something that happens close to the time there is the development of symptoms is “the cause” of the problem. It is however always easier to look for the effects of causes than for the causes of effects. In actuality, what the assumption of the “cause” is probably but another effect or another stress.

Homeopaths operate on the assumption that the organism creates the best possible response, based on its present abilities, to whatever stresses it is experiencing. Homeopathic medicine should be individually prescribed based on the totality of the person’s symptoms. The correct homeopathic medicine will catalyze a healing process that will raise the person’s overall level of health.

Everyone deserves a peaceful mind and a healthy body and homeopathy is a great system of medicine for a healthy mind and body. The truth is the mind can lie. Mind can hold us back or take us to the soaring heights. It is also the source of everything good anyone experiences. Also easy to fool the mind in taking back control of your thoughts and start doing those actions which are empowering.

Healthy mind, healthy life.

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