How do words affect our psyche

The world’s greatest leaders and thinkers have always used the power of words to transform our emotions and make us move when we thought we would never. From Mahatma Gandhi, to Mother Teresa, Winston Churchill, Hilter, Napoleon, to Shakespeare, everyone of these people knew how do words affect our psyche. How some words can move us to the depth of sensation and alter our whole reality! Movies do the same with visual arts and sounds.

Our words are vehicle for expressing and sharing our experiences with others and with ourselves, but we may not know the impact they are putting on in our lives and on our actions.

How you speak to yourself directly influences how you experience things in life. If your internal self-talk is negative, chances are that your external experiences will be negative as well. By simply changing the words you use on a daily basis, you can immediately change how you think, how you feel and how you live because words have affect on your psyche.

What does this means?

Well, it means there are two ways we communicate to ourselves, either internally or externally. Both of them are equally important because it creates our references. How we perceive anything is through words.

Whatever experience you have in life, when you put a word to it, it becomes what you call it! Your brain links that word to that experience and now you have a word for your experience. The thing is, it will remain the same, until you decide to change it.

How many times has it happened that you get a result or an outcome, and you say things like:

I know I am a loser

Success doesn’t stick with me

I will never find love

Everybody annoys me

I don’t know why this keeps happening to me

All men are jerks

All women are emotional

I knew it would happen to me because nothing good has ever happened to me

I want to change, but I just don’t know how

Why do some people get everything, when I am trying so hard and not getting anything!

and so on..

What are these?

These are the generalizations of an outcome. And the minute you associate your emotion with a word, it comes a belief. This belief influences you and your daily actions. Hence, the lousy feeling! Because words spoken with intense emotions becomes the life you live!

How can you change it?

Well, the good news is, you can change your words or your vocabulary. You can also stop using some words and create new feelings for yourself.

If you have no way to represent something, you have no way to experience it.

One way to change your vocabulary is to refine it. When I say, I am feeling Happy, is different than when I say I am feeling Ecstatic!

Similarly, when I say I am feeling Angry and Frustrated, is different than when I say I am feeling a Little Low or a Little Confused!

What’s the difference? The difference is the intensity of the way the words are being used.

It will be highly different to say I am feeling OUTRAGEOUS! or I am feeling DEVASTATED!

The way we use our language defines how we feel things and ultimately how we react to any situation. If we want to control how we feel or expand our horizons, we must expand our vocabulary.

It is also good for the higher greater good because in this process, you not only influences yourself, but other people around you as well.

Your life will become extraordinary if you lessen the intensity of negative emotions and intensify the positive emotions. Start small. On a regular basis, start with two words you use frequently to describe both negative and positive emotion, and then lessen the intensity of the negative one and intensify the positive one!

You will feel the difference!

Remember, Right emotions can put you in a path of enlightenment, which is the ultimate goal of life!


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