You are in a tussle and all you can think of is how people are all bad to you! Everything around you is so harsh and you are feeling this pain chest in your pain, you are covered in sweat, this anger, frustration, and fear! What are these? These are all emotional responses to the stress you get in a situation. It leads to your mood, which you carry on for the entire day. Can you change this mood? How can you change your mood? How fast you can change your mood?

The answer to this is “In an instant”. Really? Is it that simple! Yes, it is!

So, the next question is How?

Human emotions are the greatest gifts of life. Nothing has had such an impact on world events as emotions. Emotions have created and destroyed relations. In all their full power, it becomes very easy to think that they are beyond our control – but they aren’t.

Well, there are many ways to control emotions and change your mood, but the most effective ones are:

Changing Beliefs

Beliefs mean what has to happen for you to feel a certain way. These beliefs can be empowering or disempowering. The key is to understand them and change if they are not giving the outcome that you need. It doesn’t come so easily but Rome was not built in a day!

The way you move your body

The state of mood you are in depends on how you move your body. It is very easy to get into a state of depression, anger, frustration by not moving your body or by keeping still and obsessing over what all is wrong with you. Try dancing around or even jumping around and then try to feel sad or depressed. It will be highly impossible! Take a walk, go for a run, talk to an old friend, read some books, listen to music, do some exercise. There are n number of ways to move your body and change your mood, but only if you are willing! The will is the greatest gift of all!


The effects of laughter are not new to be mentioned here. Laughter therapy has been in the field of science for a very long time. Laughter not only creates happy hormones but also interrupts the current pattern of sullen mood. Try watching small babies, animal videos, or even better if you have them around, play with them, you will instantly feel the difference! Guaranteed!

Internal dialogue

This is the kryptonite of every human being. The inner dialogue which we do with ourselves about what a situation means.

“Oh! this happens to me because I deserve it”

“Oh! I have been good to everyone, no one sees my goodness, they only see my flaws”

“I am doomed to be alone”

“Failure is my roommate in everything”

“My kids don’t love me, my wife doesn’t care how I feel, I am worthless”

Can you imagine what your brain will do if these dialogues are played over and over again! We have billions of neurons in our nervous system, which means one thought can be amplified over billion times inside the head! So, we have to be aware of what thought we are putting in our heads! Don’t we!


Studies have shown that a good night’s sleep is very essential for the body to heal. So, taking a good night’s sleep has always proven beneficial when it comes to controlling your emotions. One thing to be differentiated is, it doesn’t mean that you need to suppress your emotions and sleep on them. It means when everything is overwhelming, you can take a good night’s sleep and come back refreshed to handle the situation at hand. Not to keep it at bay.

Gratitude and Abundance

The most common behavior when it comes to emotions is to look for everything that is going wrong. People tend to overlook the good things and good people they have in their lives, who care for them and want nothing but the best for them. Being grateful for such people and memories, help you to refocus and gives you a guide on how to control your mood.

“I have nothing but this”

“How am I supposed to be happy with only one thing”

Instead of feeling sorry for what you don’t have, look for abundance in your life. It is not hard to look at but yes, it does require you undue attention.

Your emotions are your gifts! They lead to a good mood or a bad mood, depending on what you focus on. The key for how to change your mood depends on how you control the very basic things of your life. It is really that simple!

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