Human Behavior is Belief driven

What does it means by Human behavior is belief driven? It means whatever a person does, they do so because they believe in something. Belief is a common word used for certainty.

Would you rather own a home or spend a year traveling the world? Have a steady paycheck or a flexible schedule? Put money away for retirement or splurge on an expensive gift? For people, the answer was obvious, but the answer depends on people’s values. If someone values security and stability, they are less likely to find splurges or a year of travel as appealing as someone who values variety.

So, this is it! Values and Beliefs determine human behavior of decision making.

Even though most people are aware of this, but still they are unable to do things that empower them because of their limiting beliefs which holds them back in achieving what they want.

The limiting beliefs like

” I will fail!

I am a failure!

What if I lose money!

It won’t happen, no matter how much I try!

What if I am wrong!

There is too much competition!”

What we focus on, shapes the life we live and gives us energy and enthusiasm to move forward.

Many people go through life without fully knowing their purpose in life. They become distracted by power or material wealth and lose track of what truly matters. We never find out why we are the way we are, because we end up pursuing someone else’s idea of success. If we give the steering wheel of our life to someone else, we will end up in someone else’s destination.

Here is a short list of Values which are most common in most people’s lives, with few changes in hierarchy, of course!

  • Appreciation
  • Creativity
  • Generosity
  • Self-reliance
  • Honesty
  • Authenticity

Personal values and beliefs deeply affect how you create and maintain healthy relationships. Relationships can be a major source of joy and love, but can also cause intense disappointment and sadness.  If we are able to shift the focus in our head, and begin to believe that relationships must be nothing but positive and loving, then we’ll see that reflected in our bonds with others.

“Whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis is exactly what you will experience in your life.” – Anthony robbins

Hence, Human behavior is belief driven.

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