Is morning ritual important for success?

Reading about all the successful people of the world, one thing is common- Morning Rituals. This brings to mind the question- Is morning ritual important for success? Well, if it wasn’t then why would successful people have boring routines?

What is morning ritual?

How do you wake up each morning? If the thought of getting out of bed and going through the day brings up anxiety, you are likely to carry this mood throughout the day, leaving you in a state of anger, depression, frustration and despair. Instead by planning an effective morning ritual, you can set the day with a much better approach, for a much better outcome.

The Huffington Post published an article on morning rituals that help you create a better day, and ultimately a better life.

Creating your morning ritual

Most important aspect in morning ritual is to manage your time, since planning an effective ritual means giving yourself enough time to reflect and visualize. When you are rushing to get to work or thinking of the your work or things to do at home, or to clean, to cook or need to go for groceries, no matter if you have the world’s best ritual, it won’t work because you are not present at the moment with your whole self. Instead, you will end up questioning- Is it really important to have this ritual and Is morning ritual important for success?

Plan a comfortable amount of time, during which you will have a clear and stress-free mind and the ability to focus on these important positive rituals.

Change can be difficult. Whether it is creating your morning ritual or making important and positive changes to an already set routine. Assistance and accountability can be your keys to establishing healthy habits to bring about positive changes to your day, and your life.

How does it work?

I. To begin with, start small, with steps which are easy to achieve. Because once you create momentum, it becomes easier to move forward with positivity. If you give yourself a herculean task or try to be a perfectionist and end up failing it, you will begin to question why you even started!

Hence, I recommend that you can begin with getting aware of the words you use in your daily life.

What words do you use to define success or failure, love or hatred, money and fame, your job and business?

Because the words you use on a daily basis impacts the quality of your life. A slight shift in the vocabulary can change the whole meaning of your day and the feelings you associate with it.

II. Create some powerful mantras or affirmations or incantations for yourself. These are not just the words you say repeatedly but these are words you feel and imprint deep in you.

If you are new to this, you can begin with small positive affirmations and if you need guidance you can always connect with me to help you in your journey of mastery!

III. Mindfulness based activities.

There is a quote which says “Your past does not equal your future, unless you live there” hence, it is very important to understand what is going on in your present that is affecting your body and your mind and ultimately your actions, because that is only thing you can control and change, nothing and no one else. Initially you can start with guided meditation, which will help you get centered.

Life mastery program includes guided meditation sessions which I create as per client’s need and personality, so it is easy to integrate with their daily routines. It not only transforms your mind but your physical, emotional, spiritual, social health as well.

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