Is your transformation journey alone?

Is there a time when you feel, it is not easy to change? Why? Because you live in the same environment again and again and people around you think on the same level all throughout their lives! How many times you have felt that you have changed, but when someone from the past meets you, they say “Oh! you haven’t changed”, it creates a cringe inside. If you were in your best form before, you will feel that you have grown more than before, and if you were struggling before and now you are on the path of your transformation, it may take you to a turmoil.

If this isn’t the case with you, then good for you! You don’t need to read further.

I have personally felt it in my life so I am sharing this, for all those people who feel because of surroundings, they can’t change.

It is not easy at first at all. I am being honest here. People have tendency to resist change so they not only resist it in their lives but also in lives of other people around them! Strange truth isn’t it!

But I did some research and I found out a way to escape from those judgments!

Want to know!

Read further.

Napoleon Hill in his book “Think and Grow Rich” said “What a mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve “. This wasn’t a statement; it was a research of his life’s 20 years. He found out that successful people are successful because they think of success and nothing else. When these people are hit with a problem, they talk to their group (similar people) and develop a strategy to move forward in the direction of success, not be stuck at the problem. He gave some tools to do so in his book and it also mentioned that, in his family he also used the similar techniques for his boy, who was told from the birth that he won’t be able to hear. Not to spoil to the book and to cut long story short, it tells how Napoleon Hill was able to influence his family and later on the world with his book!

The answer is pretty simple.

And it is..


Yes, you!

You can only change yourself and your thinking. The minute you do that you change your behavior. With behavior change comes belief change. When you are able to shake up your belief system, you have reached to the level where most humans (95%) haven’t!

It is said, human brain functions 10% of his capacity. It is also said that at 20-25% functioning capacity, one human brain can control other human brains, which we have never seen, isn’t it!

When there is no case study that human can go beyond 10% (except Einstein), it is in your control what you think and what you do and how you react or respond to the situations and people around you.

It sure does is slightly discomforting when you are making progress and others can’t see and appreciate, but is there anything you can do to change them? Only thing that will help is being Lucy from the movie Lucy, who accidentally gets a bad reaction from a drug inside her body and her brain begins to function at its full capacity (100%)!

Initially, I wanted to share my transformation journey with my loved ones. I used to get frustrated when I couldn’t see them understanding or making any effort to know and it used to bother me for days!

Then I realized, it not them, it is me! The best way to make people understand is to show them! Show them the change in me!

That is all it took.

The journey is mine so I have to walk it myself. It was my decision to do this.

Whether or not it is true, it is what will gives you peace. After all, Peace is something this world is fighting for, isn’t it! When it is found, nowhere but inside each one of us.

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