Nothing is permanent, not even Stress!

To quote Buddha “Nothing is permanent, Don’t stress yourself too much, because no matter how bad the situation is, it will change”.

Stress has become a normal way of living. The pandemic has brought a new normal which is working from home, less travel, and an uncertain future. It is easy to feel upset when bad things happen around, but it is not healthy to keep that stress unchecked for a long time. Because over time it will cause depression. Chose to live in a bright, beautiful state,  ultimately pursue a more joyful existence by using these stress management techniques.


Nothing is permanent, not even Stress!

There are moments and results in your life when you faced a worse situation and you came out on the other side with happiness, lesson and success. Whether it be your childhood trauma, your first heartbreak, your first job loss, or your first financial struggle. Whatever it was, it came and it went. Any stressful situation in life comes with a peak of emotions. That peak is different for different people. Some take it as a challenge and rise above it, some take it as a loss and get clinically depressed. But, if you see, how many of those situations have been consistent.

“After the night, comes the sun”

“If there are no winters, who will know the value of the Sun”

Contrast is needed. Contrast is the way of life. Nature has provided a contrast in seasons, flowers, fruits, trees, animals, ecological system, that keeps the balance.

So, moments like when you feel you are losing everything are necessary for you to feel grateful for what you actually have!

I am here to do something more than me

It is said that you have two lives, the second one starts when you realize you only have one!

Start thinking of life as happening for you, instead of a series of things happening to you. Identify the true purpose of your living, which means understanding why are you here and what you can do to make this world a better place to live, not just earning money or making profits but what you are actually here to do.

New Habits

A habit is formed when something is done on a consistent basis. Habits can be empowering or disempowering. Stress, Anger, Frustration, Happiness, Adventure etc are all habits. The good news is, habit, if not serving you, can be changed. The best way to change your habits come from the way you

A. Move your body or don’t move your body

B. Speak the language

C. Hold onto your beliefs

It is very easy to feel depressed by sitting in one position for a long time and constantly obsessing over one thought. It is equally easy to feel happy by jumping around, dancing and by talking to people you love. The key here is Your Choice.

I am me and I am beautiful

As Carl Jung has said, “I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become”. It is our own ability to feel the way we feel and do the things we do, no one can force us to feel or do anything we don’t want to do. Choose to find joy in everyday moments by existing in a beautiful state instead. Change your standards and start viewing your biggest problems as your biggest gifts. You’re going to encounter stress, but you’re also going to experience happiness, love and the feeling of true freedom. Human beings are the only creatures on the planet capable of deciding whether they want to feel happy or sad.

Decide and Choose what you want to feel and how you want your legacy to be because nothing is permanent, not even stress!

Learn to manage stress because it is a multi-step process that takes time. Consider stress as a short-term obstacle, a bump in the road, which you are going to overcome eventually, and your whole perspective of living your life will change.

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