Obesity Control

Obesity is eating disorder of eating a poor diet of foods that are high in calories and fat. For Obesity control one needs to maintain a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or lesser to be free from obesity. According to the CDC Source, “Factors such as age, sex, ethnicity, and muscle mass can influence the relationship between BMI and body fat. Also, BMI doesn’t distinguish between excess fat, muscle, or bone mass, nor does it provide any indication of the distribution of fat among individuals.”

WHO states that Obesity is the result of an imbalance between calorie consumed and calorie expended. An increase in consumption of fatty food without increase in physical activity, results in energy imbalance and weight gain.

Obesity control is one of the most common cause of distress for people of all age groups. The popularity of slimming centers and weight loss pills is indication that obesity is a huge problem.

The homeopathic treatment for losing weight is constitutional, meaning it depends on the build and structure of the body of the patient. This requires a detailed case history of the patient and its evaluation for selecting a suitable constitutional remedy.

The main causes of weight gain include

  1. Hypothyroidism
  2. Depression
  3. Slow activity of intestines
  4. Sedentary lifestyle.
  5. Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD)
  6. Menopause

Obesity is the leading cause of many disorders including:

  1. Diabetes
  2. Heart diseases
  3. Cancer
  4. Hormonal imbalance
  5. High blood pressure
  6. Stroke
  7. Stones
  8. Fatty liver disease
  9. High cholesterol
  10. Lack of sleep
  11. Breathing problem
  12. Infertility

How can you prevent obesity?

  • Obesity can be prevented by making good lifestyle choices.
  • Aim for moderate exercise (walking, swimming, biking) for 20 to 30 minutes every day.
  • Eat well by choosing nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.
  • Eat high-fat, high-calorie foods in moderation.

Lifestyle and behavior change is very crucial in obesity control, such as making better food choices and developing a healthy eating plan. A structured exercise program and increased daily activity — up to 300 minutes a week — will help build up strength, endurance, and metabolism. Counseling can control unhealthy triggers and help patient to cope with any anxiety, depression, or emotional eating issues.

Homeopathic medicines are no substitute for exercise, along with medicine which can accentuate weight loss. controlling diet is a must for weight loss. Low Carb diet is suggested and is found beneficial. Homeopathic medicines are not ” fat dissolving ” by nature. They stimulate your body’s metabolism to burn more fat.

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