I had everything in my life and then I had nothing. From being on the top, to being at the very bottom, I have seen it all. My arrogance got me into so many troubles physically, emotionally, psychologically that I was ready to end it all. That’s when I met Kanika. I don’t know how and why she came in my life but I must say I feel like she is my savior. Being a type A personality, I tend to focus on control and obsession and I feel when I am using someone for my own gain “oh what the hell” but Kanika made me realize that I have to look at the bigger picture because what I do now will affect my future. She is very strict and made me cry so many times, scolded me, screamed at me, teased me, made me laugh, made me realize that I need to change my behavior and make amends of my regrets, otherwise what’s the point of living if I live with only regrets! I came for medical advice from Kanika but she gives more than just that. I felt my being in control and disciplined would help me but it was the opposite, It was destroying me and my relationships. I am not saying I am completely cured but I am aware and I am making real progress everyday and I feel so much at peace when I sleep at night. Thanks Kanika!

Sandy Darrel Client Service Head, The World Bank, Poland

No matter what I say about this girl will not be enough. I am amazed by her energy and full of life attitude. I was stuck and I don’t want to get unstuck. I was a single depressed lonely mom and that was what I identified myself as. Kanika made me realize that I am more to that and I am living my life each day with little improvements, which are better than bigger goals because I achieve them everyday. Kanika is amazing and addictive and so is her partner. I feel like I have a family in India! God Bless you both!

Rachel Single Amazing Mom, Entrepreneur, Budding Artist, Ireland

Lockdown and Covid came with a heavy blow to my life and I was shattered. One of my friend recommended Dr Kanika. I never thought I would go for counselling or therapy, but it is neither with Dr Kanika. She plays around and makes the client feel so comfortable that I don’t feel I am in therapy, the word she also hates to use btw. She is amazing, very kind, very true to her words and promises and yes she makes sure I do the same if I have committed my words to someone. Her approach is foundation of my own identity because I didn’t know who I was before and I was just reacting the outside situation. Now, I am in more control and more focus. I am on the path of being a better person!

Clement McGraw Realtor, New Zealand

I went to Doctor Kanika for my treatment of a medical problem which I was facing for almost 10 yrs. She is not like regular doctor who will just ask symptoms and keep giving medicines, but she really studies a patient. Looks so young but is really talented. She took my case for 1 hr and dig really deep in my history and made me uncover things I had totally forgot about. I actually uncovered my fears. Long story short, she gave me medicines and gave me some exercises to do also, which I did and still do, while at work or at home or just anywhere, because she customised it as per my needs and I was able to feel the change in myself within first 15 days only. She is a doctor for my whole family now and when she asked me if I can give a review, I had to make sure that I return some favor for what she did for me. I was in pain for almost 10 yrs and now I really enjoy my life. Thank you Dr Kanika.

Donald Lister Talent Acquisition, Accenture

Dr Kanika is not only my doctor, but my lifelong coach. I was suffering from severe neck pain almost everyday of my life and I went to many doctors and they never used to catch hold of my actual cause. I went to Dr Kanika via a reference, and she first listened to me very carefully and with full attention and then took a deep look in my history. After 2 consults, she was able to uproot the cause of my problem. I had a very long and deep history and when I found someone who could listen to me, well, I was overwhelmed. Next thing I know, I was able to perform well in my work as well and all that cloud of “What will people think” just faded away. Now, I have my own business and I did more than well during the lockdown period, helped my clients beyond my capacity, because of the courage I unleashed within myself, through regular sessions with Dr Kanika. She works with client through day and night, until she is satisfied! That is really commendable. Thank you Doctor!

Rinky Dutta English Teacher- Cambridge Certified

A Wonderful Coach and a hard worker. Really got me off my comfort zone and made me realize what I was doing day and night to not be successful. I started off my company but was running always in loss. Dr Kanika made me realize, through series of steps (Yes! indeed a lot tedious at first, but hey so was walking when we first started! eh!) but by the time I was done in 45 days, I realized my own shortcoming and what I needed to do to get me on track. Yes! She worked with my family as well because they are a big part of my identity! Now, I not only have my own business in Melbourne but I also expanded in Wellington in NZ. Thank you! Wonderful Coach, really!

Darren Schulz Business Owner, Australia

A very well versed and down to earth, logical coach. Breaks pattern easily and with fun and makes me realize what self sabotage circle I was in for so many years. I am happy to have a coach who has become my go- to person. Very caring and giving person, gives more than what she actually asks for.

Priya Sharma Software Engineer, IBM

Kind-hearted, supportive and friendly nature doctor. She is good with the counselling. Let me share an incident with my counselling- when I was depressed, I was asked what do you want to do? I replied with I just want to wake up every day and do whatever I come into mind. The next thing she said was “would you murder someone, if that is first thing that comes in your head?” Since that day I take care of my thoughts and actions.

Er. Anurag Entrepreneur

Dr. Kanika is doing a great job and I strongly recommend her if you are looking for inspiration or wants to control/change your thoughts.

Azmat Sahaaf Co-Founder and CEO, Bigly Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Dr. Kanika is a great coach, very easy to talk and open up to. She helped me dig all the way to the roots of my problems to better understand myself, my emotions, my actions, my beliefs, as well as other people. आपका बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद!

Vladimir Sterle Founder, CEO, Proficiens Academy. Manages, Vlad Sterle - Business & Life Coach

I would like to thank Dr. Kanika for helping me get over my fear of not being good enough. I used to have doubts regarding me all the time and in pursuit of pleasing everyone around me, did what others wanted me to do. With lot of apprehension, I was introduced to Dr. Kanika by a common friend and she started working with me immediately. Her service as a personal coach is really good and she keeps personal touch on regular basis. I am still working with her but I wanted to share my views because I know a lot can be benefited from her service. She is a really really intelligent and analytical person.

Jaspreet Kaur Head, Client Service

I have no words to say how much I am grateful of Dr. Kanika. I started following her page and eventually made courage to take contact. My life has never been the same. Now I enjoy waking up everyday and loving what I do. God Bless you, Doctor.

Ms. Hanh Noc Tour Guide, Vietnam

My life has always been a struggle. I always felt that everything is going on me only. Dr. Vasist started working with me closely although I was very reluctant for the first time and she never gave up on me though I wanted to. Through intense personal sessions and grilling inspiration, she helped me to take the BIGGEST step of my life, leaving my frustrating job and think about me for a change. Let me tell you, I was very scared and very fearful but Dr. Vasist was with me in all the steps and eventually I found a job which made me happy. It would not have been possible if I was alone, but, Dr. Vasist has provided me the support, I never thought I would get. Thank you.

Elizabeth Nurse

Kanika is an amazing person who wants to help others with positive thinking and to understand how to get the most from life by living their own dreams, not dreams that someone else has for them (like parents or partners). I love this quote: “Many people die with their music still in them”. Why is this so? Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. as it sums up beautifully how Kanika can help you bring your music to the world. Thank you for connecting and you do a magnificent job in helping those you come in contact with to find their true path. Blessings, Adaire

Adaire CEO, Social Media with Adaire. Author, The Facebook Code

Reading the post in your Facebook page always makes me feel good when I’m in doubt xxx You are the most caring and amazing person to talk to. One day we shall meet..

Michelle Business Owner, Australia

It had been years since I had felt as confident as I am feeling today, thanks to my counsellor Dr.Vasist for whom I have come till this far to finally feel what I feel today.She is an amazing real life coach, a doctor and a friend who is accessible at any point of the day.God bless you doc…..

Susmita Manager, BCCL