
So many times it is seen that people who are successful tend to continue to succeed and people who failed continue to fail. There is a saying which goes for all the successful people “Everything he touches turn to gold”. Have you ever sat and wondered if it always true or if there is some underlying reason for the same. Well, it is always true because there is an underlying reason for the same and that reason is called “Repetition”. You must have read about it, learned about it a lot but, what you wouldn’t have known how you have used it in your life to create the life you are living. Tony Robbins talks about it all the time “If you do what you always done, you will get the results you have always gotten” Here he is talking about nothing else but repetition.

You have read and known about The Law of Attraction. Some of you who don’t know, it is the law which states that whatever you are feeling and thinking is manifesting in the real world for you. It may not seem true at first, but, if you are committed to change, it will reveal as truth. Everything that surrounds you is the result of your past thoughts and actions; the job, the money, the community you live in, the people, the family, the car, is the manifestation of your thoughts only because what you seek will seek you in return.

Now how is it possible that you are not able to manifest more money, happiness, free time and everything else you wish you had because you think about it as well?

The reason is because those things you think but as the result of your actions towards something. You want more money so you think of a better job, or rise in salary or more incentives. If you want free time, you want something else so that you get the result you want. It will seem surprising at first but even if you take top three in your list, you will realize they are the result of something that you want to do on a daily basis.

How can repetition help you?

Repetition can be as helpful as it can be frustrating. It is helpful when you are able to consciously use it for your benefit and it can be frustrating when you let your mind go wild and get motivated by anything or everything that you see around and find interesting.

Time and again many people have used repetition to motivate hundreds of people towards one goal whether it is freedom, war, taking over Germany, creating a revolutionary moment, non violence or anything. If such people were able to motivate hundreds of people through their repetition, imagine the power you have when you have to change just one person, yourself!

Your mind is a source of infinite intelligence and this fact has been stressed numerous times by numerous people and these are the people who not only know but also have done it for themselves and achieved great successes.

It is not very difficult to know what you want to repeat and what you don’t want to. The key to this is in knowing what you really want for the coming year or next year or in 5 years. Take a pen and paper and write down what you want for this year or probably in 5 years, whatever suits you, and then read it to yourself. Why did I ask you to write it down? Because once written, when you will read it, you will understand if this is really something you think you can achieve in your life within the said time frame. If not, you can make changes until you reach certain point where you will comfortable in reading out loud what you want to achieve. It is easy said than done but you need begin something to calibrate it until it suits your mind frame.

Take out that paper and start writing. You will realize when you will begin that there will be not much to write. That is where your first step comes.

Repetition will become the most powerful tool for you once you know what you want to achieve.

“Awareness is not a virtue, it is a choice”- Kanika Vasist

“Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt”- William Shakespeare

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