Vertigo and Homeopathy

What is Vertigo?

In Vertigo there is dizziness which creates a false sense that everything around is spinning or moving. It makes it difficult to balance the body and there can be feeling of nausea and vomiting with motion sickness. People with vertigo have difficulty in standing, sitting and moving or doing their normal work. Homeopathy provides excellent remedies to cure and manage vertigo.

What are the causes of Vertigo?

There are many causes of vertigo, some of which include:

  1. Extreme loss of fluids and blood from the body.
  2. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
  3. Old age
  4. Cervical Spondylosis
  5. Infections- Ear infection, Viral infection, Vestibular nerve infection
  6. Meniere’s disease
  7. Eye disorders
  8. Trauma and accident
  9. Migraine or Severe Headaches
  10. Chronic Stress

Symptoms include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of balance
  • Dizziness
  • Sweating
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Lack of coordination
  • Not been able to perform daily chores.

How long an episode of vertigo lasts?

  • In BPPV the symptoms come and go, lasting less than one minute.
  • In Meniere’s disease, one episode lasts for longer than 20 minutes.
  • Migraine-induced vertigo can be felt for minutes to hours.


  1. Peripheral– When the cause lies in the ear, vestibular system, inner ear. etc
  2. Central– When the cause lies in the brain, like after stroke, trauma, tumour, multiple sclerosis. etc


There are many treatments which can be done for the cure of vertigo, which is dependent on the cause of the vertigo.

  • If there is stroke, trauma or any emergency situation involved, it is better to consult in the Emergency room and get an EEG and MRI done.


  • If the cause is related to eyes, first it is necessary to get a vision test done and if it comes normal, then start with the eye focus exercise.

Focus exercise with instrument

  • Home remedies– Supplements like gingko biloba, melatonin for improved sleep, and various exercises, along with peppermint and lemon balm oil, Garlic and other herb oils can be used with success.

Homeopathy and its magic of curing Vertigo

Homeopathy provides excellent medicines to treat Vertigo. With zero side effects and made of natural substances, homeopathy is of great help in the treatment of Vertigo. Homeopathy being a 200 plus year old system of medicine, treats patient as a whole, and the disease along with it. The treatment of vertigo with homeopathy involves a proper and complete case taking of the patient, to identify the cause of the onset of the symptoms and taking in consideration all the general and physical symptoms of the patient, selecting their individual remedy.

Vertigo can be completely cured by homeopathic medicine, giving a total sense of well-being to the patient.

Some basic remedies include Gelsemium, Belladona, Arnica, China, Cocculus, Conium.


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